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Executive Summary


This business proposal is for the development and launch of a // new e-commerce platform for the sale of handcrafted goods. The platform will be called “Handmade You” and will target a global audience of customers who are interested in buying unique and handmade products.


There is a growing demand for handcrafted goods, but there is no easy way for sellers to reach a global audience. Existing e-commerce platforms are not well-suited for the sale of handcrafted goods, as they often charge high fees and do not provide enough exposure to potential customers.


Handmade You will address these problems providing a platform that is specifically designed for the sale of handcrafted goods. The platform will be easy to use for sellers and will offer a variety of features that will help them to reach a global audience, such as:

Market Analysis

The global market for handcrafted goods is estimated to be worth $1 trillion. The market is growing rapidly, with a projected annual growth rate of 15%. The growth of the market is being driven a number of factors, including:

Target Audience

The target audience for Handmade You is a global audience of customers who are interested in buying unique and handmade products. The target audience includes:

Marketing Plan

The marketing plan for Handmade You will focus on the following channels:

The marketing plan will be implemented in phases, with the goal of gradually increasing the visibility of the platform and generating traffic from potential customers.

Financial Projections

The financial projections for Handmade You show that the platform is expected to be profitable within three years. The platform is expected to generate $10 million in revenue in the first year of operation, and $20 million in revenue in the second year of operation.

Call to Action

We are seeking $1 million in funding to launch Handmade You. This funding will be used to develop the platform, market the platform, and hire staff.

We believe that Handmade You has the potential to be a successful business. The market for handcrafted goods is growing rapidly, and there is no other platform that specifically caters to this market. We are confident that we can make Handmade You a success.

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